With a membership in the Föderkreis you can support and shape the cultural work of the association and the work as a memorial. Also they are always up to date with our newsletters via the e-mail distribution list.
You can plan and carry out regular events
- "Synagogue Concerts",
- matinées, literature cafés,
- "Cinema on Tuesday",
- commemorative events on Jan. 27 and Nov. 9,
- exhibitions and lectures
and organise them.
The projects
- "Landkulturboten",
- "information boards on Vöhl houses“,
- „biographies and family trees of the Jews in the district WA-FKB“ and
- "museum in the Synagogue“
are made or organized by members of the association.
Also require
- the hospitality
- accounting
- public relations with
- press
- posters and flyers
- photography
- facebook
- Instagram
- Google maps and search
- Website and - the preservation of the synagogue
the commitment of the members.
If you are interested please Contact us!