Women´s gallery

Eine Seite der Empore mit geschlossener BrüstungFoto: Kurt-Willi Julius

The gallery in 2006 shortly after the completed renovation. It was reserved for the women of the congregation. Here in Vöhl, the gallery opened up to the Torah shrine. As women were not allowed to be in the immediate vicinity of the Torah, the boys who were about to perform their bar mitzvah sat in these two ends of the gallery, according to former members of the congregation.

Abschnitt der Empore mit diagonalen Holzgitter Foto: Karl-Heinz Stadtler

Part of the screen for the women's gallery in the sacred space with the original colour scheme. The room was painted a much darker colour in the first decades after the synagogue was consecrated. As can be seen here on a pillar, the pillars of the gallery were without panelling at the time of construction. This was added later.

Auf Holz aufgemalte Nr. 12Foto: Kurt-Willi Julius
The seat numbers for the seats in the gallery are still available.

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