Family Trees of Jews in Voehl, Hesse, Germany

  • Mildenberg Mayer2.jpg
  • Mildenberg Levi3.jpg
  • Kratzenstein Selig2.jpg
  • Keiser1.jpg
  • Mildenberg Simon - Samuel3.jpg
  • Schonthal Bar1.jpg
  • Eberwein Wilhelm7.jpg
  • Lowenstern Israel  Bar1.jpg
  • Strauss Jonas.jpg
  • Rothschild AscherBlumchen4.jpg
  • Liebmann3.jpg
  • Kratzenstein Jacob7.jpg
  • Bar Salomon9.jpg
  • Rothschild Selig3.jpg
  • Rothschild Adolph4.jpg
  • Katzenstein Bar  Simon3.jpg
  • Rothschild AscherSprinz8.jpg
  • Kulsheimer Lobb2.jpg
  • Kugelmann Isaak2.jpg
  • Schiff1.jpg

Assembled by Karl-Heinz Stadtler

Family trees from Vöhl, Marienhagen, Basdorf and Oberwerbewere were created if enoughby data from Family Trees were available.

If you see any mistakes, corrections or have additional information you would like us to include send a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..